Kiss of the Oceans
Video Performance 2015 Balboa Park, San Diego, CA + Panama City, Panama
1915 illustration of a personified Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, prettily kissing with the Panama canal between them.
This drawing, promoting the 1915 California Panama Exposition and the growing globalizing national ties between North America and Latin America with the creation of the Panama canal, served as inspiration for Kiss of the Oceans, a video performance in collaboration with artist Hermione Spriggs.
Created as a collaborative response to artist Ela Spalding’s project Panamá Caribe for the Panama: INTEROCEANIC Fluid States Performance festival.
Kiss of the Oceans. © Clark + Spriggs, 2015
Concept, editing: Kate Clark and Hermione Spriggs
Video, editing: Curtis Tam
thanks to Park Ranger Kim Duclo, Park Ranger Carina Weber, Curtis Tam and Ela Spalding
An artist talk with Hermione Spriggs about the historical influences behind the video performance for the Panama City Fluid States Performance Festival artist panel at the Bio Museo, Panama City